Essential Tool Hotkeys For Photoshop

Although this is not the complete list, these are the most commonly used for more bang for the buck!   Misc Hotkey Commands For Photoshop Do you see any groovy Photoshop shortcuts we missed?  Post your favorites in the comments below! you can also drag to change brush size Alt + right click until red overlay appears Drag left to make smaller Drag right to make bigger Drag down to make harder Drag up to make softer Marquee Selections 1. Reposition a selection Move cursor inside the selection, Click and drag or Use arrow keys to move selection 1 pixel at a time. 2. Drag a square Shift and drag 3. Drag square from centre Shift + Alt and drag 4. Add a second selection Shift and drag 5. Subtract a selection Alt and drag If you are working on a large image you can press Space to temporarily activate the Hand tool Otherwise, this is awesome! Sent from my Mobile Comment