Adobe today has updated Lightroom for Mac, Lightroom Classic, and Lightroom for iPhone and iPad with new features based on customer requests and feedback. The Lightroom team is also sharing a preview of what’s in store for customers across 2020.

On the Mac, you’ll find new export options for the DNG format. Previously, Mac users could choose between JPEG or TIFF exports. DNG support first came to Lightroom on iOS and Android. Shared albums can now include or omit metadata, and photos others have contributed can be exported. Photo Merge has been enhanced with a keyboard shortcut to bypass the settings dialog box. You can now import to a specific album via drag-and drop.

For the iPhone and iPad, Lightroom’s Learn and Discover sections have been redesigned with a new two column view. Interactive tutorials include before and after steps to evaluate the effectiveness of an edit. The most significant change for iPad owners is the addition of support for Split View multitasking in iPadOS. 

Although increasingly superseded by the Creative Cloud version of Lightroom, Lightroom Classic on the Mac has received the most comprehensive update for February. Adobe told us last fall at MAX that Classic isn’t going away just yet, and today’s update reinforces that message.

Adobe says it is investing in more features powered by artificial intelligence and machine learning, workflow optimizations, and interface and experience updates specifically for Lightroom Classic. You’ll see more of these changes roll out across the coming year alongside GPU-enabled performance updates.

Some highlights in Lightroom Classic’s update:

  • Improved Raw Default Settings: Streamline your edit workflow with more control over the default develop settings of your raw images.
  • Default to Camera Settings: You can now use Camera Settings as the default to preserve the “as shot” look.
  • Secondary Display Selection: Choose which monitor to use as your secondary display.
  • More GPU Accelerated Editing and eGPU Empowered Enhanced Details
  • PSB File Support and Photoshop Elements 2020 Support

Look for today’s updates to Lightroom to roll out soon, and read more about all of the changes announced today on The Adobe Blog. Lightroom is available via a Creative Cloud Subscription or through the App Store on Mac, iOS, and iPadOS.