
While the first half of the talk he discussed his motivation for writing ‘Inside Apple,” around the 7-minute mark he began to talk about life at Apple. He described Apple’s microscopic control over the message the company crafts “very carefully” in meetings, and he talked about how Steve Jobs had tight control over marketing—even after starting to hand parts of the company over to Tim Cook.

Lashinsky then told an anecdote from the book about Jobs emailing back and forth with a mid-level Apple employee responsible for writing an email to correspond with a keynote and product launch.

  • ‘Inside Apple’ author Adam Lashinsky discusses Apple secret-keeping and corporate life (9to5mac.com)
  • ‘Inside Apple’ author Adam Lashinsky says Apple is antithesis of Google, talks post-Jobs culture (9to5mac.com)
  • Adam Lashinsky’s look ‘Inside Apple’ will be released on January 25th (9to5mac.com)
  • Get the ‘Inside Apple’ Audiobook for free on Audible (9to5mac.com)
  • Adam Lashinsky’s look ‘Inside Apple’ profiles iOS head Scott Forstall as Apple’s ‘CEO-in-waiting’ (9to5mac.com)
  • Insanely Simple, new book about Apple focused on simplicity, coming in April (9to5mac.com)