Adam Driver is quickly becoming one of the most interesting actors around. Though he came to prominence on the HBO series Girls, he has since established himself in the film world for his compelling performances and ability to choose amazing projects.

Driver’s inspiring career has already seen him work with some of the most acclaimed filmmakers in the business and in some of the biggest movies in modern years. He has one of the most impressive filmographies around and it only promises to get better.

Gayby (90%)

Driver wasn’t always the guy popping up in prestige dramas and big-budget epics. He had to do his time with bit parts in small projects as well. Gayby is certainly his least-known film on the list, a small budget comedy about a woman who decides to have a baby with her gay best friend. Driver has a small supporting role as a comic book store employee.

Despite the sitcom premise, critics admitted Gayby is better than one would expect. Most of the success is attributed to the charming cast and some solid comedic dialogue.

You Don’t Know Jack (91%)

Driver has proven that he can stand out no matter how small his role and no matter what acting legends he might be sharing the screen with. You Don’t Know Jack is an HBO film starring Al Pacino as the controversial Dr. Jack Kevorkian, a man who championed the assisted suicide movement.

Driver has a small role as a depressed young man looking to be helped by the doctor. Critics found the real-life drama to be an insightful look at a polarizing figure, with Al Pacino giving a stellar lead performance.

Star Wars: The Last Jedi (91%)

Driver has been one of the most interesting additions to the new Star Wars trilogy as the villainous Kylo Ren. The second film in the new trilogy finds the First Order hunting down the remaining Rebels while Rey attempts to bring Luke Skywalker out of his self-imposed exile.

The Last Jedi is one of the more divisive Star Wars films in recent memory among audiences, but critics loved it. They pointed to the stunning visuals and a deepening of the mythology as highlights of the film, while Driver and the other actors were praised for their performances.

Logan Lucky (92%)

Driver is capable of giving very big and wild performances, but he is also just as engaging in more reserved roles like in Logan Lucky. The crime-comedy stars Driver and Channing Tatum as brothers struggling to make money who decide to rob a NASCAR event.

Driver is hilariously deadpan as the war hero turned bartender in this extremely entertaining romp. Director Steven Soderbergh maintains a fast, energetic pace, and the movie is packed with great actors having fun with their colorful characters.

Inside Llewyn Davis (92%)

Driver got the chance to work with some more iconic modern filmmakers with his role in the Coen brothers’ comedy, Inside Llewyn Davis. Set in New York City in the ’60s, the movie stars Oscar Isaac as a bitter and hostile folk singer trying to make it big.

Driver has a small role as a fellow musician who joins Isaac and Justin Timberlake for the hilarious song “Please Mr. Kennedy.” The movie was praised for its wonderful soundtrack and capturing of the era, while the Coens’ trademark dry humor made it a quietly hilarious movie.

Frances Ha (92%)

One of Driver’s most frequent collaborators in his career has been indie filmmaker Noah Baumbach. The two have made several films together, with Frances Ha being the first. The movie stars Greta Gerwig as an aspiring dancer living in New York City and relentlessly pursuing her dreams.

Driver plays Lev, the energetic potential love interest for Gerwig. The quirky and clever comedy is loose in structure, but the smart script from Baumbach and Gerwig, as well as Gerwig’s performance, make it a charming ride.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens (93%)

Kylo Ren was introduced into the Star Wars universe with J.J. Abrams’ The Force Awakens. The story follows a new group of heroes who team up with Han Solo to prevent the First Order from wiping out the remaining Rebel forces.

Driver presented a complex and enthralling villain which made for some of the best scenes in the film. Critics acknowledged that the story wasn’t too original, but the new actors and returning favorites made it a welcome return to the galaxy far, far away.

Paterson (96%)

Driver is comfortable in supporting roles or as part of an ensemble, but Paterson gave him the opportunity to carry a film. From celebrated indie filmmaker Jim Jarmusch, Paterson is the simple and quiet story of a bus driver who writes poetry in his spare time.

The movie is clearly not interested in telling a conventional narrative, which could frustrate some viewers, but critics found it to be a fascinating exploration of one man’s daily life. Driver makes for an engrossing lead in a nuanced and understated performance.

BlacKkKlansman (96%)

Driver got the chance to work with another legend in Spike Lee’s epic crime-drama BlacKkKlansman. The movie is based on a true story about an African-American detective who poses as a white man to infiltrate the Ku Klux Klan in the 1970s.

Driver has a solid supporting role as the detective who helped out with the case and that role earned him an Oscar nomination. The movie is an energetic, captivating, funny and powerful look at an incredible story that draws haunting parallels to modern society.

Marriage Story (99%)

Marriage Story marks the most recent collaboration between Driver and Noah Baumbach, and it has already been praised as some of the best work from both of them. Driver stars alongside Scarlett Johansson in the brutally honest depiction of a marriage dissolving.

Critics have already been calling the film one of the year’s best, with Driver and Johansson both being praised for career-best performances. Baumbach’s graceful approach to the difficult subject matter has also been praised, making for a must-see film.