If you look over at Active Storage today, you’ll notice a little ticker that corresponds to the end of the Xserve in less than three days.  Under wraps is the replacement.  Boom!  9to5mac readers knew about this a few days ago of course :D

We’ve been told the boxes will run “a webmin variant with Darwin” and to think of it as a “Web ServerAdmin”.

There was no screen shots at the briefing, but our source described it as looking like a Apple wiki page with the function of Server Admin.  It isn’t clear if the Desktop ServerAdmin will be able to connect to these boxes in the same way as it connects to current OSX servers.

Apple has been telling enterprise reps about this solution for a few months saying that this will be the go-to hardware for Apple Enterprise Datacenters.  We’d imagine some of these will be making their way to North Carolina as well.

Also, we heard that OSX was heading to virtual machines that ran on Non-Apple hardware next month as well.