If there were prizes for turning a horrible experience into a positive one, Mark Major, a Reddit user who goes by the handle Kindlingapp, would have to win one. After breaking his back in a freak accident at a construction site, he decided to turn the experience into an iPhone game Plummet under the name Broken Back Games.

It was a second unpleasant experience – being made redundant – that gave him the time to pursue the project. He started with hand-drawn stick-man graphics then partnered with a Serbian designer and Romanian developer to turn the idea into the game based on his real-life fall.

Seven years ago while in Beijng I had a freak accident.With no warning, I tumbled down a construction shaft and fractured my spine. My sole memory of the accident was the free falling plummet I had before hitting my head on the side. I woke  to find myself at the bottom of a construction shaft with a sore head, tight chest and the broken pieces of a wooden plank which I had crashed through during my plummet.

Plummet is due out on 4th January, and you can sign up here to be reminded.