Interviewed on Conan, Steve Jobs screenplay writer Aaron Sorkin said that he understood why Tim Cook had described movies about Jobs as “opportunistic.” Sorkin had previously responded angrily, then later apologized.

He did, however, make a slight dig at criticizing movies without seeing them … 

Sorkin said that the spat was all over as far as he was concerned, but joked that there might be a building full of people in Cupertino wanting to hack into his computer (he writes on a Mac).


Sorkin said that while he hadn’t met Steve Jobs, he had spoken on the phone with him three times, including the time he helped Jobs with his Stanford commencement speech, which Sorkin described in modest terms.

He said that he got a good sense of the man through numerous interviews with people who knew Jobs well.

Sorkin also told a story about Jobs washing his feet in a toilet, something he was known to do but had not been in the script until Michael Fassbender decided to add it.

A number of those close to Jobs have weighed-in on the movie, among them Steve Wozniak, Andy Hertzfeld and John Sculley, with the consensus being that what the film depicts isn’t factually accurate but does reflect something of the man himself.

The movie begins its general release today on east and west coasts, gradually rolling out nationwide between then and 23rd October, with a new clip released yesterday.