Apple’s stock continues to soar after hitting an all time high of $552 at closing. Today’s high puts Apple’s market cap over $514 billion, which now towers over the market cap of the No. 2 company Exxon that now stands at $403 billion.

NASDAQ, of which Apple represents over 10 percent, was down slightly on the day.


  • AAPL passes 10% of all of NASDAQ value as analysts target half a trillion dollar valuation (
  • Apple passed $400B market cap briefly today, set all-time company high of $431 a share (
  • AAPL reaches all-time high of $429 a share, market cap closes in on $400B (
  • AAPL passes all-time high of $427 a share, market cap closes in on $400B (
  • AAPL crosses 500 per share… for the first time (