The latest Honest Trailer targets the recent Academy Award-winning film A Star is Born. Starring Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper (who also directed the film), A Star is Born may have been a front runner during awards season, but high praise couldn’t save it from being an easy target for Screen Junkies. 

Since it first premiered at the 2018 Venice Film Festival, A Star is Born essentially hit the ground running as an awards favorite. Between Cooper’s directorial debut to Gaga’s turn as a serious actor - which she had already proven courtesy of her Golden Globe win for American Horror Story - the film maintained serious momentum all the way to Oscar night. Unfortunately, it only ended up walking away with a single win out of its eight nominations; and to add insult to injury, the latest Honest Trailer pokes fun at some of A Star is Born’s minor peccadillos.

In the latest Honest Trailer from Screen Junkies, the biggest takeaway from A Star is Born is that it’s the third remake of the original film from all the way back in 1937 (which also stacked up several Oscar nominations, only to walk away with one). Commenting on the fact that it’s only inevitable that another remake will someday cast the likes of Logan Paul and North West, the video proceeds to poke fun at Cooper’s character Jackson Maine, noting that he “looks like he smells like Rocket Raccoon”) and seems oddly similar to Jeff Bridges’ Oscar-winning role from Crazy Heart. Gaga isn’t exactly exempt from ridicule, but Cooper definitely takes the most shots here.

The video also touches on the fact that A Star is Born incorporates an unusually high amount of face-touching, and that Gaga’s character Ally is essentially a combination of Jennifer Lopez and Milla Jovovich’s Leeloo from The Fifth Element. Maybe the most honest part of this Honest Trailer is the point made about how music producers in movies are almost always evil, comparing A Star is Born’s Rez Gavron to Rob Lowe’s character in Wayne’s World.

As with most Honest Trailers, the teasing is done in good fun, and most of the jibes hardly take away from the film’s most admirable elements. A Star is Born may not have walked away with quite as many Oscars as its diehard fans may believe it deserved, but  Gaga and Cooper proved that they’re so much more than just a successful musician and actor, respectively. In fact, Cooper’s next directorial effort involves music yet again, with him evolving from a country rock musician to a real-life composer.

More: A Star is Born Review: Cooper & Gaga Write a (Not So) Bad Romance

Source: Screen Junkies