A Quiet Place was a huge surprise of last year, making it onto many people’s list of the best films of 2018. The inventive horror film is set in a near-future where monsters have taken over the year and hunt the remaining survivors through sound. The premise made for one of the most intense and suspenseful films in years.

Given the success of the film, it’s not surprising that a sequel is on the way with director John Krasinski and actor Emily Blunt both confirmed to return. The sequel provides the opportunity to answer some of those lingering questions the first film left and expand on this exciting story. Here are some of the questions we want answered in A Quiet Place II.

What Do People Do About Uncontrollable Sounds?

Clearly the most important question about this story is what do people do when they have to fart? That’s a bit of a joke, but it’s also a real question that is hard not to think about when watching the film. The Abbott family is shown to take so many extreme measures to avoid making sounds. But there are some sounds that are out of our control.

People need to pass gas. Inevitably, someone is going to sneeze or cough. What if one of the family members snores in their sleep? What precautions can be taken in these cases?

Where Do The Monsters Come From?

Despite being a constant threat in the film, we learn very little about the monsters in the first film. Thanks to Lee’s very helpful wall of exposition headlines, we get a sense of the backstory but it is never clear where they first came from and why they are attacking.

The most obvious answer is that they are aliens. So is this an invasion and are their more to come? They could be a science experiment gone wrong and the creatures just want to eat. It seems likely the new film will shed some light on their origins.

How Many Monsters Are There?

The Abbotts live in constant fear in the film because the slightest sound is pretty much guaranteed to bring at least one monster looking for a meal. While the monsters are seen to be very fast, they always seem to be right around the area whenever sound is made. This begs the question of how many monsters there are?

We see that Lee has theorized three monsters are in the area, but then how do they manage to cover so much ground? It would seem like there would have to be many more monsters who are simply hiding and waiting to strike.

How Sensitive Is Their Hearing?

Though the concept and execution of the monsters in the film is unique and impressive, there are some logic gaps in how their hearing actually works. We see that a lamp falling over will bring the monsters to attack and they also are able to kill a raccoon that is simply walking by.

The Abbotts are very careful to hide their sounds, but it’s hard to imagine they make less noise than a raccoon scurrying on the ground. How sensitive are the monsters’ hearing? Is it selective to certain noises to help them hunt?

How Did The Monsters Conquer The World?

The monsters are certainly seen to be very fearsome and deadly creatures in the film. Aside from their impressive hearing abilities, they are fast, they have long scythe-like arms and they have armored skin. However, it is still a little hard to believe that blind monsters were able to take over the world.

As deadly as they are, the fact that they are blind is a major disadvantage. How did they manage to navigate the world without sight? Do they have more capabilities or technology we’re not yet aware of?

How Many Survivors Are Left?

Aside from the doomed old man and his wife, the Abbotts are the only survivors we see in this world. However, we know that there are others as Lee communicated with fellow survivors living nearby.

Though they seem to share some sense of community, no one came to help when the Abbotts were under attack. If there are a few survivors in this small area, could there be even more across the country and the world? With new cast members like Djimon Honsou and Cillian Murphy joining the sequel, we’re sure to get a sense of the bigger world.

How Will They Use The Monsters’ Weakness?

During the climax of the film, Regan Abbott discovers that her hearing aid can omit a frequency that incapacitates the monsters and leaves them vulnerable to kill. With this new discovery, the film ends with Emily Blunt going full badass, ready to take out the remaining monsters in the area.

This is certainly a significant discovery that will need to be explored in the sequel. How will the Abbotts use this information going forward? Will they try to weaponize the frequency? Will they try to spread the word about it to other survivors?

Where Will The Abbotts Go Now?

Though the discovery of the monsters’ weakness is a triumphant moment for the Abbotts, the ending is very bittersweet for them. Though they have this new protection, their home has been damaged quite a bit and Lee has been killed.

Given that they can’t make repairs without making noise, it seems likely the family will have to move on. But where will they go? Will they seek help from some of those neighbors? Or will they try to take their new discovery to whatever resistance force still exists?

What Will They Do With The Baby?

One of the most memorable and terrifying sequences in the first film was Evelyn giving birth. Seeing her pregnant throughout the film, it was clear that the baby was a time bomb that was going to make things very difficult for the family.

Though Evelyn managed to endure the painful delivery without being attacked, what will she do with a newborn baby in this world? Babies cry a lot. She can’t teach him to be quiet for a number of years so this baby is a very big vulnerability for the entire family.

Are The Monsters Still A Threat?

The end of the first film hints that the humans are now ready to fight back against the monsters who have taken over their world. This sets up a potentially epic battle in the sequel. But with the frequency now discovered as a weapon against them, are the monsters even a threat anymore?

This seems like a pretty big weakness and one that we’re surprised hadn’t been discovered before. It would seem pretty easy for the human race to wipe out the monsters with this new weapon. Will the monsters find a way to fight back against the new weapon, or will there be a new monstrous threat?