Update: Despite the speculation from U2 followers, a spokesperson for the music group said the band will not be performing at the iPhone event or launching an album on the device, according to Irish site Independent.ie: “They are not releasing their album on the iPhone, and they are not performing at the iPhone launch.”

Update 2: Not so fast. The article with the denial statement is interestingly no longer available. Google cache here.

We received a tip earlier today regarding a possible U2 and Apple tie-up for the iPhone 6. It seems to be mostly speculation at this point, but some local journalists claim that U2’s latest video shoot in Dublin last week starred a possible next-gen iPhone. They also claim the device will come preloaded with a U2 album:

[tweet https://twitter.com/27KHV/status/507147345327583233 align=’center’]

[tweet https://twitter.com/Stephenbrow/status/507196399231201280 align=’center’]

I’m not entirely sure that’s an iPhone at all in the image above and I can’t vouch for the sources, but the rumors caught my eye for a couple reasons. Of course U2’s past relationship with Apple and collaborations for the iPod and marketing campaigns is one thing, but in recent weeks we’ve received other tips regarding a U2 partnership. In addition, there have been rumblings in the U2 fan blog world about the band recently shooting a commercial for Apple that seem to originate from this blog post. 

If the reports from local journalists keeping track of the video shoot in Dublin are to be believed, Apple could be planning to bundle a U2 album with at least one of its new iPhones and the band could debut its new single for that album on September 9. That’s the same date Apple plans to introduce its new iPhone models at a press event in Cupertino, and about a decade after U2 and Apple first teamed up to introduce the iPod.

Adding just a bit more to the rumors are reports that Mark Romanek is the director of the new U2 video. He happens to have also directed past Apple/iPod commercials.

[tweet https://twitter.com/27KHV/status/507148712872009729]

Back in 2004, Apple teamed up with U2 for a special edition iPod that featured content from the band and an exclusive black and red color scheme. The band and its music have also been featured in past iPod commercials, adding slightly more weight to the possibly of another partnership between the two. 

[tweet https://twitter.com/sharatibken/status/507295909340647426 align=’center’]


Apple also has ties to U2 through the company’s contributions to the Product RED charity co-founded by Bono. Earlier this year Bono and Apple’s Jony Ive sat down to discuss the charity and past U2/Apple collaboration during the Cannes Lions Festival.

It’s certainly not confirmation, but we’ve been hearing enough rumors now regarding a partnership that we thought it was time to share while we continue to dig for more info.