Samsung Galaxy S8 and S8 devices are widely adopted as the best smartphones available till date. A lot of people are out there who look for the information on how the DPI of these phones can be adjusted. Well, if you are one among them, you are reading the right post. Although it’s not a big deal, adjusting the same in a right manner is important. A few things are there which you need to keep in your mind. This guide is to Adjust DPI of Galaxy S8 and S8 plus.

In case you need to do this, follow the guide we have mentioned in this post. Actually, performing this task required root access when the Galaxy S8 and S8 plus devices were launched. However, in the present scenario, it is possible for you to perform this task without root access. This has been made possible due to some recent updates in the Android by Google. Thankfully this task can now be performed through phone Settings now.

Adjust DPI of Galaxy S8 and S8 plus

In true sense DPI is nothing but increasing or decreasing the screen size, icons, fonts etc. you might be wondering how this matters to the S8 or S8 plus users, the fact is a lot of people need to change the same as per their convenience. Actually, Google felt the need of same when a lot of users of these devices were seen rooting their devices just because they need to adjust the size of their screens. You might have no idea but now this feature is present in the phone settings. In Galaxy S8 and S8 plus, it is called as Screen Zoom. However, you need to keep this thing in your mind that when you change the DPI through this inbuilt feature, it also has an effect on other things. You will see all UI fonts and elements have been changed


  • Simply open the device settings
  • You will find Display option after scrolling down
  • Click on it and you will see an option Screen Zoom
  • You will see Font Option, simply tap it
  • You can now set the slider as per the way you need things to be represented on the screen.
  • Finally, you need to tap the Apply button to ensure the changes come into effect.
  • You are now done

You can now enjoy manually adjusted DPI on your phone screen. Don’t forget to share this guide with others.

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